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Learn how global technology manufacturers perceive the value of brand credibility and conversion using Qviro.

customer success

"I would like to hear the honest opinion of my customers. That's why I think there is a lot of value in a review site like Qviro."


Andie Zhang - Global Product Manager Robotics

"On Qviro you find real reviews of our customers that used our products. Having these public testimonials resulted already in several cobot sales for us, because we are able to prove that we deliver what we promise."

Dormac cobots logo

Frank Epping, Sales Engineer

"In days where there are always more products on the market, it becomes more and more important to listen to people using the robots."


Nils Tersteegen - Marketing Manager of Fanuc Germany

"Reviews are very important for us since the collaborative robot market is very new and innovative and requires new market entrances."

Yaskawa logo

Christopher Schneider - Cobot Business Coordinator of Yaskawa Europe

"Qviro reviews are very useful because we want to know which models the customer shows interest in."


Hyojin Shin - Regional Sales Manager Europe

"As we always listen to the demands of the market, all of the reviews are very valuable for us."

Techman logo

Kuan Lin - Sales Manager Techman Europe